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How To Create A Text/Image Link That Points To A RealSutra Page

  1. You will need a reference to a RealSutra page for this exercise.
  2. If you don't have one, follow the steps on "How To Create A RealSutra Page".
  3. Remember the name of the RealSutra page you have created e.g., "MyProfilePage". We will need it later in the exercise.
  4. Return to "My Services/Control Panel" page by clicking the "Home" button at the top if you are not there yet.
  5. In "My Services/Control Panel" page, click on "4. Edit Web Page".
  6. In "Edit Web Page" page, click on any of the red boxes with text descriptions to open the HTML editor for the associated section of the page such as the banner section, the left menu section, the featured properties section, etc.
  7. For inserting a text link,
    • Position your mouse on the line that you wish to insert a link.
    • Type the name of your link e.g., "View My Profile".
    • Use your mouse to highlight the name you just typed.
    • Click the chain icon (the one on the left of the broken chains icon) to turn the highlighted text into a link.
    • A window popup will appear
    • At the window popup, type your URL in the field named 'Link URL' using the pattern "my/[internal page name].html" e.g., my/MyProfilePage.html
    • Select 'Open in new window (_blank)' in the field named 'Target' if you want the linked page to open in a new browser window/tab.
    • Otherwise, select 'Open in this window / frame' in the field named 'Target' if you want the linked page to open in the same browser window/tab.
    • Click the [Insert] button to proceed to create the link.
    • See an example text link below.
  8. For inserting an image link,
    • Click on the image that you would like to create a link
    • Click on the image icon to edit the image
    • A window popup will appear
    • At the window popup, type your URL in the field named 'Link URL' using the pattern "my/[internal page name].html" e.g., my/MyProfilePage.html
    • Select 'Open in new window (_blank)' in the field named 'Target' if you want the linked page to open in a new browser window/tab.
    • Otherwise, select 'Open in this window / frame' in the field named 'Target' if you want the linked page to open in the same browser window/tab.
    • Click the [Insert] button to proceed to create the link.
    • See an example image link below.
  9. Finally, click the [Save] button at the top of the HTML editor.
An image link