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How To Create A Link That Points To An External Page In HTML Editor

  1. Sign in to Realsutra.
  2. In "My Services/Control Panel" page, click on link "4. Edit Web Page".
  3. In "Edit Web Page" page, click on one of the four "EDIT" links to open the HTML editor for the associated section of the page e.g., the banner section, the left menu section, the content section, etc.
  4. In the HTML editor, position your mouse on the line that you wish to insert a link.
  5. Type the name of your link e.g., Yahoo!.
  6. Highlight the name you just typed. 
  7. Click the chain icon to turn the highlighted text into a link. 
  8. At the window popup, type your URL in the field named 'Link URL' e.g., 
  9. At the same window popup, select 'Open in new window (_blank)' in the field named 'Target'.
  10. Click the [Insert] button to proceed to create the link.
  11. If an alert message '?' appear after that, click the [OK] button.
  12. Finally, click the [Save] button at the top of the HTML editor.

Yahoo SG